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Study Reveals Macao Problem Gamblers Struggle with Severe Debt Issues Due to Higher Minimum Stakes

Study Reveals Macao Problem Gamblers Struggle with Severe Debt Issues Due to Higher Minimum Stakes A new study has shed light on an increasing number of Macao problem gambling helpline callers who were struggling with severe debt issues. As per the analysis, the increased level of debt among gamblers draws its origins from higher minimum stakes at Macao casinos.

Entitled, ‘Characteristics of Gambling Helpline Callers in Macao: A Regional Comparison’, the study is based on data from 943 gambling helpline callers between 2015 and 2021, with the majority residing in Macao. Of all helpline callers, nearly 73% were in debt.

Some 40% of callers had accumulated debts of less than $25,000. Nearly 33% of Macao helpline callers reported accumulated debts north of $25,000, which is twice as high compared to gamblers’ debts in mainland China and Hong Kong. More substantial sums of more than $124,4000 troubled 9% of helpline callers. Around 7% of them owed between $62,200 and $124,400.

The increased level of indebtedness can be directly associated with the higher minimum stakes at Macao casinos, which amount to $35 per hand on average. However, some gambling venues have set their minimums as high as $64 or $128 per hand. A more troubling statistic revealed by the study was that 5.2% of callers exhibited signs of suicidal thoughts. This high percentage can be directly linked to the increased level of indebtedness among Macao gamblers, according to the study.

Yet another key finding of the study is that helpline callers struggle with gambling-related issues for 7.3 years on average. While problem gamblers from Macao and the mainland were troubled by casino-related problems, those from Hong Kong struggled with betting-related issues. As the study explained, this could be attributed to the three different gambling jurisdictions and the different access to gambling products there.

The study has also compared the age of helpline callers from Macao, mainland China, and Hong Kong. It found that callers from Hong Kong were the youngest ones, with 54.1% aged under 30. When asked if they wished to take advantage of the referral service, more callers from Macao answered affirmatively, compared to those from mainland China and Hong Kong.

The Study Suggests Areas for Improvement in Responsible Gambling Practices

The Study Suggests Areas for Improvement in Responsible Gambling Practices The study has suggested the integration of educational initiatives into the schools’ curricula to raise awareness of the potential harms associated with gambling among young children. The young age of helpline callers is yet another issue that must be properly addressed, according to scholars.

The high level of indebtedness highlights the need for financial counseling. The most alarming trend of all, however, was the high rate of suicidal thoughts, calling for immediate attention and timely intervention.

Characteristics of Gambling Helpline Callers in Macao: A Regional Comparison’ is the product of the cooperation of scholars from the Macao Polytechnic University, the Macao University of Science and Technology, and Guangzhou Xinhua University.

As reported by CasinoGamesPro, the Macao Polytechnic University has recently published another study examining the issues Macao casino employees face when addressing problem gambling behavior.

 Author: Harrison Young

Harrison Young is an experienced writer, who started his career almost 8 years ago. Prior to joining our team at CasinoGamesPro, he worked as an editor for a small magazine.