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Overall Channeling Rate for Sweden’s Online Gambling Services Reach 77%, New Study Reveals

The results of a recent survey were presented in a comprehensive report aimed at bringing more clarity on the trends in Sweden’s gambling market and the preferences of the local residents who gamble online.

The renowned research institute SKOP revealed the results of a survey that it conducted on behalf of BOS – the Swedish Trade Association for Online Gambling. The survey was aimed at examining trends and customer behaviors in the country’s digital gambling sector.

The latest study saw SKOP hold interviews with a total of 9,850 people. Almost one-third of them (30%), or 3,000 people, confirmed they were taking part in online gambling services at least once every three months. The concept of “channeling” refers to the proportion of the overall number of bets placed on online gambling platforms licensed in Sweden, with the overall channeling rate for all types of digital gambling services offered in the country measured at 77%.

The survey showed that lotteries and so-called number games were the ones with the highest channeling rate in Sweden, reaching 91%. Online casinos and poker, on the other hand, featured the lowest channeling rate of 72% each. The channeling rate of other types of online gambling varied, with online betting on horse races having an 89% channeling rate, while the one featured by sports betting was 84%.

The SKOP study targeted only adult Swedish residents aged 18 and above who gamble online on digital platforms that offer real-money winnings to consumers. The data collection process was held online from February 22nd to March 21st, 2023.

Swedish Government Aimes to Bring Some Improvements in the Country’s Gambling Sector

For the time being, the Swedish Government is making efforts to maintain a commendable rate of 90%, which aligns with the gambling participation rate of other European countries, such as Denmark. The current reported one (77%), however, falls short of the aforementioned target, indicating that improvements need to take place as soon as possible.

The research held by the SKOP comes at a time when the Government of Sweden has proposed some increase in Spelinspektionen’s funding that would help the Swedish Gambling Authority enhance its licensing and monitoring processes over the sector. As part of the proposed funds’ allocation, a total of SEK2.4 million is set to be transferred to the gambling regulatory body, facilitating efforts to deal with money laundering breaches, unlicensed gambling, match-fixing, and other foul practices that take place on the country’s regulated market.

As reported by CasinoGamesPro, in May, the Government granted new powers to Spelinspektionen, including the right to confidentially monitor gambling operators’ activities and the right to block payments from unlicensed operators. The measure has been unveiled as part of the amendments brought by local lawmakers to the Swedish Gambling Act. The chances are set to come into effect on July 1st, 2023.

 Author: Harrison Young

Harrison Young is an experienced writer, who started his career almost 8 years ago. Prior to joining our team at CasinoGamesPro, he worked as an editor for a small magazine.