Last several weeks have been heated for the management of future Imperial Pacific Casino as significant changes are on their way. Several weeks before the proposed deadline for casino resorts launch, an announcement was issued, stating that the company’s Chief Executive Officer Henry Cheang has filed in his resignation letter.
The casino field often witnesses unexpected twists and turns when it comes to major casino developers and operators. This notion was confirmed recently as the leading figure behind Imperial Pacific International opted for resigning from his position in the company. For the time being, no additional details have been issued publicly regarding the reasoning behind this decision.
Mr. Henry has spent the past three years in the structure of the company, providing it with his expert opinion and guidance in several roles, essentially boosting the overall performance of the casino developer and its ongoing projects.
CEO Steps Down after Several Months
The casino developer and operator issued a special statement expressing gratitude towards the ongoing service of the outgoing CEO. His exit from the company comes after only several months of being in this leading position. It could be recalled that he was appointed as a CEO back in January, due to his extensive 12-year experience in the field and across several casino developing companies in gaming hub Macau.
Mr. Cheang was introduced to Imperial Pacific International on the position of then-outgoing Mark Brown who has chosen the last days of December 2017 to also be his last days on the position. It should be taken into account that the past weeks have been heated for the company, as two other leading figures left its structure. The month of August brought the news that Chairman Marco Teng has decided to step down from his position in the company.
He managed to remain in his position for some seven months after being appointed parallelly with Mr. Cheang in January. In addition to that, Director and Chairperson of the Executive Committee Cai Lingli also made clear his decision to leave Imperial Pacific International for good later in August. For the time being, a new CEO has not been announced.
Deadline Extension Provides Chance for Development
September brought the news that the casino developer is willing to introduce some 2,000 new hotel rooms available for booking thanks to the casino resort. This turned out being concerning for the community, as the Commonwealth Casino Commission stated that this is an unnecessarily high number of rooms for the region.
Over the span of 2017 the region saw some 659,741 tourists, and in order to justify the construction of 2,000 rooms, the region would have to welcome about 2 million individuals. As a result of the brave construction plans, the casino resort is also projected to launch operation later than originally planned.
Earlier in September, the local gaming regulator issued its official nod to an extension of the project stretching to 2021. August was the month originally eyed for launching operation and introducing the new resort to the field. As it is known now, the location has a long way to go until it is finalized and ready for operation.
However, it has already been confirmed that several junket operators would provide the location with the needed boost once it launches operation. Said operators range to the liking of High Tides LLC, Stellar Paradice CNMI LLC, Bula Mula LLC, as well as Hengqin Guiji LLC. They would work in collaboration with Imperial Pacific Resort in Saipan once it commences operation.